


UMOJA Research would not be possible if it were not for Los Angeles Trade Technical College Historian, Professor Thurman Robinson. At the end of ten consecutive years at LATTC from 1976-1986, when making my rounds to thank the Professors and Instructors who made a difference in my life, Professor Robinson smiled at me and suggested it would be inappropriate for me to just leave after ten years of education. He began to question my accomplishments, achievements and suggested no student ever accomplished as much that he knew of, none who single handedly challenged the education system rules of LATTC and won, to the point State Laws were re-written. He went on to name things accomplished by me, which never crossed my mind as being accomplishments and asked me to speak to students during the 1987 Black History Month at Los Angeles Trade Tech. College.

After speaking to High School and College Students on Education and my Decade at LATTC, there was an Exhibit in the Library with my awards and other items on display. At this exhibit students were asking me what my thoughts were about AIDS?, if I thought it was from God?, or did man have something to do with it?. Dumbfounded, due to the fact these questions had nothing to do with my lecture on education or the exhibit, I had no answers.

While taking what I thought would be a short sabbatical from education, deciding which University to attend, hopefully working towards a mechanical engineering degree, the unanswered AIDS questions began to resurface in my mind. These unanswered questions continued for several months and my thoughts were, what good would a Bachelors, Masters or PhD be to me if I were dying of this dreaded disease called AIDS.

With that, I began to look for more information on AIDS in the College Research Libraries and searching for books on the subject. After six months, any information about AIDS was like finding something in the Twilight Zone. Everything about AIDS seemed secret or pure speculation, absolutely no real facts seemed to exist. This led to an in depth study of AIDS from 1986-1996 and beyond. Any real progress was not made until finding Dr. Strecker and meeting Mr. Zears Miles, their reference lists opened the floodgates to the real Truth about AIDS and it was their information which led me to write "AIDS, Murder or Mystery?.

The information obtained in this search for Truth is being uploaded to this site, due to repeated request from students interested in the Truth about AIDS. Every effort will be made to upload many of the documents found, including reference lists obtained from Zears Miles and Dr. Robert B. Strecker. The single most important and historic document, "This Is A Bio-Attack Alert" by Attorney Theodore A. Strecker and Dr. Robert B. Strecker, will be uploaded and every attempt will be made to transcribe taped interviews of Zears Miles and Dr. Strecker.

UMOJA Research has been and continues to be a not for profit venture and the AIDS information is being placed on line for benefit of those who can not afford the cost for copies of these documents and taped interviews. For those who do not believe what John Burns is saying on this site, my suggestion is, look up the documents from the Strecker Group's Reference Lists and see for yourself. Dr. Strecker, like Zears Miles, used documents which clearly point the way to AIDS being a MAN-Made Genetically Engineered Disease, specifically designed to destroy the immune system by destroying human T-Cells. That design was specific due to blood samples taken from the races of humans on this planet, which revealed people of color have fewer T-Cells than Caucasians.

AIDS is only one of many Biological Weapons being used to intentionally destroy human life on this planet. If you find it hard to believe any government would intentionally use Bio-Weapons on human beings, (men, women, children and babies) I suggest you read "A Higher Form Of Killing", by Robert Harris and Jeremy Paxman,"AIDS Was Created For Minority Population Control" by John Graverholtz M.D., July-August 1989, in the 21st Century Science and Technology , "Bad Blood" by James Jones, 1972, Bulletin of The World Health Organization, Vol.47, No.3 pp. 275-438 and Recommendations in the MEMORANDA pp. 259, or "Ethnic Weapons", by Carl A. Larson, Military Review, Professional Journal of the U.S. Army Vol. 1 #11, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, Nov. 1970. There are a host of other books and magazine articles and they will be listed under Books.

Currently my research is no longer in finding the Truth about AIDS, that has already been done, however, my interest in the remedies for this disease and others continues. There is a startling amount of information on remedies for a host of diseases and even more on the persecution of those people offering these cures, or remedies. (It should be noted the word Cure is owned by the American Medical Association AMA, so we prefer to use the word Remedy instead.) When you read how doctors, scientist, researchers and others, who discovered and tried to reveal to the world remedies for every sort of cancer and disease have been persecuted, you may begin to see just how corrupt man really is. The roots of Evil Run Deep.

From here I will leave it up to you to decide what is the Truth about AIDS and what, if anything, you will do to help put an end to this Genocide. It has already been stated, and quite clearly, "When Good Men and Women Do Nothing, Evil Men and Women Prosper". The choice and path is yours for the choosing.

Peace Be With You All,


John Burns, UMOJA Research


 ** HOME ** 1st Amendment ** Welcome ** THEODORE A. STRECKER ** The Bio-Attack Alert **

 ** The Strecker Memorandum ** The Strecker Group ** Strecker Reference Lists **

** Zears Miles ** AIDS, Murder or Mystery? ** AIDS, Murder or Mystery Docs **

** People Along The Way ** Hot Documents ** Books ** Links **