


Historically speaking, the document "This Is A Bio-Attack Alert", written March 28, 1986, by Attorney Theodore A. Strecker and Robert B. Strecker M.D. Ph.D., is probably the single most important document written about AIDS, in defense of human life on this planet and against the unrelenting lies given to American Citizens and the World population about AIDS. This was a legitimate attempt to tell the Truth and at least save the countless lives of American Citizens, regardless of their Race, Creed, Color, Religion or Natural Origin.

UMOJA Research belive this document was one of its most important discoveries, when searching for AIDS related information, exposing AIDS as a "Man-Made Genetically Engineered Disease", with documented proof. The references attached to the Bio-Attack Alert attest to its creation or development, funding for production, intentional spreading of this devastating disease and other cancer causing diseases through Medical Injection Programs Globally.

Theodore A. Strecker sacrificed his life for us all by submitting this document to every governmental agency in the United States and every, supposedly, responsible Local, State and Federal Officials.

Unfortunately, Theodore A. Strecker was suicided, a term used when Patriot's are found mysteriously dead and listed as suicide. Robert B. Strecker M.D. PhD, in an interview with me on the subject of the Bio-Attack Alert, assured me his brother did not commit suicide.

Although Theodore A. Strecker and Dr. Robert B. Strecker believed the creation and intentional injection of disease was the work of communist, by now we can see it's a group more organized and powerful than any communist. Who they are specifically has yet to be defined, yet we know they are Europeans and Americans with global control as an ultimate goal. Dr. Strecker does not believe this is a Conspiracy, while Mr. Zears Miles believed it is. In my opinion it is an "Open Conspiracy", because the documents do exist, however their true meanings have been seriously distorted. There is no such thing as safe sex with condoms, because the disease is in all bodily fluids and can be transferred on contact, AIDS is viable and can live outside the body fourteen to thirty days and the genes of the AIDS virus have nothing to do with monkeys, because the "Codon Choices" or genes of the AIDS Virus are not normally found in man or primates.

For those of you still believing the lies of those posing as your protectors, read the document "This Is A Bio-Attack Alert", written March 28, 1986, by Attorney Theodore A. Strecker and his brother Robert B. Strecker M.D. PhD. Afterwards you decide who is telling the Real Truth About AIDS. References which you can look up are included and a copy of the original signed document is included.



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