
Is There A Cure, Or Remedy For AIDS?

What is the Solution?

The question, "Is there a Cure, or Remedy for AIDS?", often leads us to another question, "What is the Solution?". We caution ourselves when using the word Cure, since the American Medical Association has a patent on the word Cure, we therefore use the word Remedy. There are a hosts of supposed remedies, in an effort not to violate the AMA, who supposedly owns the word Cure we will cautiously discuss the remedies.

It should be clearly understood, UMOJA Research is not a medical facility, John Burns is not a doctor and no medical advice, or legal advice is being given to you on this web site. Please do not assume any medical advice is being given, for that is not the case.

Before we can discuss the suggested remedies for AIDS or any other Disease and solutions, we should take a moment to discuss those who have been persecuted for helping resolve AIDS, Cancer and other diseases destroying mankind. We will also question the opportunist who, like vultures, present to those desperate for a solution, every sort of remedy money can buy. The interesting point here is, those unscrupulous individuals make waste of many credible ideas and interests do to their ruthless quest for profit.

Once we cover the doers and the damned, we can take a closer look at those who have sacrificed much to end not only AIDS, but disease in general. It's unfortunate, but this generally falls outside the realm of the AMA and cure all pharmaceutical industry. Those working in your best interest are not all doctors, although there are the select few medical doctors who do work in your best interest, that elite group is continually under pressure for expressing the Truth. If you take time to Read, Think, Listen & Pay Attention, you will unveil the real beasts who pose as your protectors.


John Burns


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